Monday, February 11, 2013


Can pants be considered modest? Sure they can. I have known women who were most assuredly feminine and very modest in a pair of loose pants. The woman that first comes to mind as an example is one of the most modest and feminine women I know. Her loose pants don’t cling to her in a way that might distract others and she always wears a loose, long-ish blouse that amply covers her back side. And I’ve never seen her wear frumpy or unfeminine pants (like a large pair of men’s overalls)! Does that mean that overalls are sinful or that I get to decide how loose is loose enough? No!
My friend has an air of modesty and femininity mostly because she herself is modest and feminine. After all, what’s on the inside eventually shows up on the outside. She has a lovely, modest, feminine spirit…and it shows. She communicates purity and chastity. That’s the goal – that’s what glorifies God.
In like manner, you may know women who seem to be dressed modestly from head to toe, but their demeanor is not modest. Perhaps they have a “come hither” attitude when talking to the opposite sex; or walk and carry themselves in a provocative way. It may be they have a “look at me” attitude. Trying to get attention all the time by being loud and obnoxious, speaking in a crude or course way, or speaking of things which should be kept private in mixed company can also be immodest. This type of behavior exposes the heart, as immodesty surfaces through the “modest” clothes. The same thing can even happen on the Internet.
So in many ways, clothing isn’t the issue – the heart is. That being said, as Christians, what’s on the outside should be consistent with what’s on the inside. If we claim Christ, then we have a responsibility to represent Christ honestly, not “follow the crowd.” I don’t need heathen designers telling me how I should dress. Let them dress (or not) themselves. If they happen to come up with a good design, then I’m happy to wear it. But, if it’s not modest or if it’s just plain ugly, why should I wear it just to follow the trends?
We can create our own styles. We don’t have to obey the fashion gurus in New York or France or wherever they are. We don’t have to make a fashion statement; we can be the trend setters by making a loveliness statement. The hip hugger/mini skirt crowd has had their turn long enough. Christians should stand up and start taking the lead; that’s part of taking dominion.
God’s ways are best and we should be proving it, instead of following the world saying, “Please, please listen to me about Jesus, see, I’m wearing your clothes and speaking your language.” We should love the unlovely, but, that doesn’t mean we have to become unlovely for them to listen. Talk about vain striving.
We should proclaim Christ for all to hear and show them there’s a better way. We should love them enough to have something for them. So many times ladies try to package modesty into a nice list of rules. We just love rules, don’t we? Sorry, there is no such list.
Jesus said that if a man looks upon a woman to lust after her he’s already committed adultery with her in his heart. Jesus wants our hearts to be modest. It’s more than just the outward action – but, that doesn’t mean the outward action is unnecessary. That’s where we see Christian liberty abused and perverted.
If our hearts are truly modest, then our demeanor, our dress, our speech, and attitude will all eventually line up. Sometimes it means we need to be taught and challenged, but it eventually happens. If it doesn’t, then we need to check our hearts. If you really, really want a list, here’s one:
1. Does what you wear reflect a heart focused on the Lord Jesus Christ?
2. Does what you wear communicate a love for others or selfishness?
3. Is what you’re wearing likely to cause a man to lust?
4. Does what you’re wearing draw the eye (by being too tight or revealing) to areas of the body that should be covered for everyone but your husband?
5. Is what you’re wearing going to expose intimate areas of your body if you bend over?
6. If you honestly examine your motives are you wearing what you’re wearing to attract the opposite sex?
7. Does your choice of clothing speak dishonestly of who you are?
8. And here’s the most important one. Does what you wear point to Jesus or to yourself? Do your clothes say, “Look at me,” and in so doing, distract others from God? And let me remind you, this can be done in clothing that is not the least bit sexually enticing.

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